I decided to do some new writing about topics foreign English teachers in Korea need info about during their first year teaching in Korea, and there is info in this post that some experienced teachers might appreciate too (like book titles that are useful for different types of English camps).

I’ve also been working on some posts about co-teaching because I’m back in the public school system and co-teaching in Korea lacks an organized and well designed training program for the different levels of schools.  I’ll try to post those in the coming weeks.

On my old blog, kimchi-icecream.blogspot.com I have a series of posts called,

A Guide For New EFL/ESL Foreign English Teachers/Instructors in South Korea – Public Schools, Hogwans, Universities, and Training Center/Institutes

and at the beginning of each post I write, ‘If any of the following materials are used as a part of an orientation or new foreign teacher training manual I would appreciate being cited as the author (if it’s something that I wrote, some materials are from other sources and should be cited appropriately) and or as a source from which the materials were taken from (if it’s something I found and arranged and posted on the Net). I’ve spent a lot of time and energy writing and blogging and would appreciate the citation. Thanks.’  Please cite me as the author for my English winter camp post if you use any of the materials too.

Anyways, many new foreign teachers right about now are being asked to prep for winter English camps.  Getting explicit instructions on how to do this, and what to be aware of, is often not what happens.  Foreign teachers should keep in mind that some Korean English co-teachers have done English camps with a foreign teacher before, but that others have never planned a camp involving a foreign teacher and likely don’t know what to tell you to plan, or how to plan it (so it might be a good idea to print out this guideline and give a copy to your co-teacher!).  There are a lot of things to consider when planning and designing an English camp in Korea, and I’ve tried to cover as much as I can here.

1.  Pre-Camp Checklist

a) How many students per class?

Camps tend to have 20 students per class, but this number can be higher or lower so make sure you ask.

I think that if the number is higher than 20 you should politely but firmly suggest that the number is too high–especially when  you’re not likely to have a Korean co-teacher in the room to help with classroom behavior management.  All too often if the KET”s (Korean English teacher) away the mice are going to torture you with bad behavior . . . the unfortunate truth about too many (but luckily not all) students in Korea is that once they realize you won’t use corporal punishment to enforce the rules they often see time alone with you in a classroom as ‘do whatever they want to time’ cause they know you won’t hit them . . .

This is not true for all foreign teachers.  I think personality type, confidence levels, teacher training and experience, and other variables come into play with how students behave when there’s no co-teacher but I’ve also heard too many stories about foreign teachers pretty much giving up and making their camp into watching movies and/or students doing whatever they want while the foreign teacher goes on facebook to chat with friends, play games, or whatever while they complete their class hours but don’t do any actual teaching . . . with some planning and preparation an English camp can be a fantastic experience for both the teacher and the students.  Often a lack of planning and prep are the REAL source of students bad behavior . . . and also the stress and hair pulling frustration that a teacher experiences.  This camp guide, I hope, will help pre-emptively kill a lot of the problems that first time camp teachers experience.

b) Who is screening the levels of students? How are they doing it? c) Will there be mixed grade classes? Or mixed level classes?

This is a vital question to ask because in the past, before I had experience teaching camps, I didn’t think it was necessary to micro-manage my co-teacher while the students are being selected, or signing up, for a camp.  During my first camp experience in 2005 on  Ganghwa Island I was given a class mixed with 1st grade false-beginner students, intermediate students, and advanced students, 2nd grade false-beginner students, intermediate students, and advanced students, and 3rd grade false-beginner students, intermediate students, and advanced students–ALL IN THE SAME CLASS!!!  The complete and utter lack of any kind of educational criteria being used to put this class together made it an impossible class to teach–especially for a first time teacher in his first semester of teaching in Korea.  Simply put, no teaching or learning principles were used in the formation of the class rather it was more about pleasing parents, the principal, and about getting the most students possible in the foreign teacher’s class.

While the example I just used is an extreme case there also milder versions of this that happen.  Putting SAME GRADE but radically different language ability students in the SAME class often happens too.  For example low level 2nd grade students combined with high level 2nd grade students.  This then forces the native teacher to choose which group of students they orient their lesson materials towards.  It is possible to teach this kind of class but it generally can only be done by teachers with a lot of training and experience.  One solution is to pair up weak and strong students and turn the strong students into teaching-assistants, begin with low level vocabulary and language and then work your way up to higher level content so that the high level students get some learning too . . . but designing lesson plans in this manner is not easy, and teaching it is difficult too.  In addition, you also have to consider that Korean language learners will often have social/friendship behaviors that sabotage a teacher’s desire to pair weak/strong students together whether it’s about an age difference, being separated from their friends in the class, or whatever this can often be a major obstacle that gets in the way of the best teaching strategies.

Probably the easiest method for a Korean English co-teacher to create class lists by learner ability, i.e. a class with all advanced students, is by looking at student English test scores.  Unfortunately, it is very difficult for many Korean English co-teachers to actually do a proper language learner ability assessment (whether it’s for reasons of time and number of students, or a matter of the KETs language ability and teacher training).  It’s also hard for many native English teachers to assess learner levels especially when they’re new to the EFL/ESL teaching job.  Simply put, try to get student test scores involved in how they are assigned to English camp classes so there is at least some degree of educational reasoning being used in which student goes into which class.  Otherwise you’re in for some really hard teaching experiences.

d) Is there a budget for lesson/activity supplies?

e) Is there a budget for snacks?

f) Where will the classes be held? What are the conditions of the classroom and how will they effect the teaching and learning?

g) Does the technology in the room work? Check the computer, Internet connection, power point projector, etc, and make sure you know how to use it.

h) Will there be co-teachers teaching with the native teacher? (Usually not.) If so, who is it/are they?

i) Will the heat be turned on? Who turns it on? Will they be in the school during the camp hours? Air conditioning during the summer . . .

k) Are there any camp lesson books from previous native English teachers that may have been at your school? Can your co-teacher show them to you?

2.  The Schedule – What kind of class schedule is being designed?

It’s ‘safe’ to say that a lot of English winter camps tend to have 4 classes in the morning, or 4 in the afternoon–but saying all or most schedules are like this is just misleading.  Be prepared for the possibility of your hours being scattered amongst other teacher’s classes on the schedule if your camp involves other subjects and teachers at your school.  If it’s only you teaching then I think it’s likely that your classes will be in the morning or afternoon.

For example, some camps have FOUR HOURS/CLASSES IN A ROW for the same group of students. This is INSANELY long for Korean students to be learning and using English.  Keep this in mind when you plan your lessons.  Put the more difficult or challenging content (or more ‘boring’) in the first half of the four hour marathon and do some easy fun games/activities style lessons in hour 3 and 4.  I tend to make the 4th hour a free talking, game playing, or really fun activity/game style lesson so that the students and I are not having issues with each other because they’re tired, hungry, and have already been thinking/speaking/and learning in English for longer than is normal (in my opinion for an EFL classroom).

3. Another issue that often comes up in terms of the dates of English camps is that native English teachers are also trying to plan their vacation dates.

Sometimes there can be scheduling conflicts between what a school wants for number of hours taught, and number of camps, and the dates of these camps versus when the native teacher wants to go on vacation.  One way of dealing with this is that  you can very politely suggest that instead of doing 3 camps over 3 weeks that the school takes the 3rd week of camp hours and merges them into the 2nd week, or something to that effect.  For example, in the mornings you’d be teaching a first grade conversation camp for 4 classes, and then after lunch you’d teach an essay writing camp to second grade classes for four hours.  This would be a pretty hard core grind for a teacher to do but if the school is willing to do it that way then some teachers choose that so they can go on vacation when they planned to . . . but you also have to be prepared for the school (or more importantly the principal) to not go for the idea.  This is one of those times when a teacher who wants a favor can cash in on the good relationships they’ve built with the co-teachers and especially the principal, and if you haven’t been doing that/or have had problems (that are or aren’t really your fault) then asking for a favor is probably not going to happen.

Keep in mind that comparing the total number of camps your school gives you with other foreign teachers at other schools (especially if it’s less) will only lead to frustration.  The public school contract says you have to teach 22 classes per week and be in the school for 8 hours a day–regardless of whether or not students are there or if you’re actually teaching any classes.  You may hear of a tiny minority of schools letting their foreign teacher ‘take a rest’ (code for ‘don’t bother coming in to school during the winter break) on top of them getting their contract vacation time . . . this is one of those things that bugs the hell out of me cause I’ve never been one of those insanely lucky teachers who get told this (I’m always at school teaching more camps than the majority of teachers I know) . . . maybe it will happen for me this year–okay, yes, I’m being delusional . . . sigh.

This point needs to be emphasized: some teachers are asked to do less than 3 camps, most seem to do 3 camps, and others may be asked to do more than 3 camps.   The contract says that you must teach 22 classes per week, and there is no stipulation or language about a maximum number of camps in the contract.

There is, however, language about overtime.  If you’re asked to do more than 22 classes PER WEEK then you can refuse.  If you agree to teaching overtime then there should be an overtime rate per class.

4.  Snacks!

Korean students, regardless of whether they’re elementary, middle, high school or university level LOVE SNACKS! If it’s possible to get a budget for English camp lesson supplies you should try to use some of this budget to also get snacks.  If you can get a budget just for snacks alone that’s fantastic, but don’t expect that every school/your school will have a budget set aside for winter camp lesson supplies let alone a budget for snacks.  If your school says there is a budget that’s great–if it doesn’t then try to find alternatives.

Unfortunately, one alternative is to put up some of your own money for supplies.  I’ve done this in the past and have never regretted it.  For 20-50,000won you can get things like color paper, glue sticks, glitter, and other inexpensive supplies to use with lesson activities.  This, of course, does depend on how many students you will have contact with during the camp, and sometimes a teacher may have a schedule where they teach upwards of 200 students in different classes during the course of the week (or however long the camp is) and the reality is you just won’t be able to get supplies or snacks because of numbers.  But if you do some math and think that the money to student ratio is reasonable I highly recommend investing a little personal money for supplies and snacks–the smiles will be worth it.

The least expensive option for snacks is getting large size bags of snacks from street vendors.  The bags are huge (like 3 feet tall) and have the rice cake/ball mildly sweet snacks.  Or large bags of candy at places like Emart run from 7,000 to 9,000won.  Just be careful not to use the candy in the first class, and only as a reward for DOING a learning task successfully (or at least trying really hard to do so).

5.  Supplies and Budgets

Ask your co-teacher about whether there is any money left in the English department budget, or if there’s a budget for the camp/s itself.  Do not expect or assume that money will be available for English camps.  If there is money, great, if not then just do your best with what is already available to you in the school.

One thing new teachers might not think of doing is asking to see the school supply room.  See if you can get permission to rummage around in there and see what you might be able to use.  Also, walk around the school and check out all the classrooms and rooms to see what there might be that could be used for a camp.  For example, there may be a computer lab that you could use for a digital scavenger hunt project.

6.  Ice breaking Activities

It is very important to do an ice breaking activity on the first day of camp in the first class.  If it is the first time you are meeting the students breaking the ice is critical so that some learning can take place in a relaxed atmosphere.  The students and you may already know each other but the students may not know each other so getting them to break out of their discomfort about interacting with students who are not a part of their social circle at the school, or not from their homeroom class, is really important.

One of my favorite ice breaking activities is making a self-introduction poster.  Students can bring pictures from home (this is sometimes hard to organize because asking your co-teacher to tell 12 different Korean homeroom teachers to pass on info about bringing in pictures from home to all the different students in your camp . . . well, let’s just say sometimes there are communication ‘issues’), cut out pictures from newspapers and magazines, draw pictures with markers/color pencils, and then write the English sentences about the self-intro poster beneath.  This is also a great way to get them speaking in a way that they feel safe and comfortable with because they have pre-speaking preparation time to get the language right, practice it, and then in the last stage of the lesson they present their posters to each other in small groups.

Another fun ice-breaking activity is to get students to bring white tshirts from home.  They can make (if you have a large group/class or multiple classes that are all in the first class) team t-shirts with English team names, and you might encourage them to make a team slogan they write on their t-shirts.  The t-shirt ice breaking activity is not quite as good as the self-introduction poster or the balloon ice breaker below, in my opinion, but it IS a lot of fun.  Getting the students to personalize their t-shirts and then present them to each other is one way of making this a more interactive speaking task.  Writing presentation expressions on the white board would also facilitate more speaking too.  Things like, “I chose this color because ______.”, “This is a ________. I like ________ because ________.” “This is my ______ (family member name, person/object name).”  That sort of thing.

The one ice breaking activity I use most often is this one . . .


Ice-breaker Activity

– show students balloon, say, “What is it?” “What color is it?”

– elicit responses with clues: first letter “b”

– blow up balloon/s

– and then . . . there are two ways (and more, use your own ideas too) to continue this ice breaker:

1. Students must say one letter of the alphabet each as the teacher points at them, then days of the week, then months of the year, and maybe numbers (this is a great way to assess the language abilities of the camp students as what you’re doing is also an informal test)


2.  Each student must say their name, and favorite color (or animal, movie star, whatever, but pick the same category for all the students)

– model the English for the students (it may be necessary to write the language out on the white board if they are very nervous or low level)

– do this three times

– explain the rules: 1. You must speak loudly 2. You must use good pronunciation 3. You must not make a mistake 4. You must not cheat

– explain PENALTY (the balloon is popped if any of the 4 rules are broken)

– provide the language on the white board for lower level students to refer to during the activity (for example, students ‘should’ know the alphabet, but may have problems producing it quickly when they’re nervous, so put the alphabet up on the white board but erase every 4th letter . . .)

A (teacher):  “What’s your name?”

B:  “My name is ________.   My favorite ______________ is ____________.”

– then add the game difficulty

– students must 1) say their name and 2) favorite X, and then say,

“His/Her name is ____________, and his favorite ____________ is ______________.”

NOTE:  – if this is too difficult, you can modify it so that it is just the student’s name and a color, Blue Jason, Green Ha Na, Red Su Mi, etc

PENALTY:  when a student makes a mistake, a balloon that has been blown up as big as possible is popped

– the balloon popping is very exciting, and it guarantees students forget to be shy, nervous, or speaking too softly; it also forces them to pay attention to other students names as they don’t want the balloon popped


7. First Day of Camp

The first day of camp can sometimes be a little chaotic.  Some students may arrive late, and you can probably expect that some miscommunications may happen about what is supposed to happen, when it’s supposed to happen, and where . . . .  Also, don’t assume that the first hour/class will start on time and/or that you have the full time for whatever you have planned.  Choose something that you can vary how much time it takes to do, and be willing to drop parts of what you had planned if things start late, or get interrupted by something unexpected.

There may or may not be an opening ceremony.  Opening and closing ceremonies seem to generally happen at overnight camps and not at day camps.  If you’re at an overnight camp you may be asked at the last second to say something to all the students during the ceremony.  You’ll likely be introduced to all the students by whoever is running the camp.  Also, co-teachers usually write up an opening ceremony speech and I’ve often been asked to edit it at the last second so don’t be surprised if you’re handed a speech by a nervous looking co-teacher who wants  your help.

You may have students showing up late because they’ve slept in.  Depending on the personality of your co-teacher the students know what they can and can’t get away with in terms of how they see the rules and punishment.  It may be necessary to ask your co-teacher to be a little stricter with late students, or implement some kind of penalty system and add it to your camp rules.  Make sure to have a Korean English teacher translate the camp rules so there are no ‘misunderstandings.’

8.  Classroom Conditions

Temperature . . . yes, it might be as cold inside your classroom as it is outside.  In 2005, on Ganghwa Island I was teaching a winter camp in a small middle school with less than a 100 students.  The camp itself was a class of 12 1st grade students.  I went to my classroom on the first day of camp to see all my kids wearing winter coats, mitts, scarves and hats . . . and all I heard was, “CHOOWA! CHOOWA!” over and over and over … (this is the Korean for “COLD!”).

I went to find someone to turn on the heat in my classroom and was told that the school custodian was away and that nobody knew how to turn on the heat (yes, the heat is turned off especially in rural Korean schools).  I told my co-teacher that I would teach the classes scheduled for that day in the freezing cold classroom, but that I would refuse to teach the rest of the camp if the heat was not working and turned on in my classroom.  Each native teacher should choose how they deal with this kind of situation, and perhaps my response was too aggressive, but I think there are some situations in Korea where a line has to be drawn and we should say enough is enough, this is wrong and MUST change.  Having no heat in a classroom during a winter camp is one thing I will not be flexible about, and if there had been no heat the next day I would have contacted my co-teacher, told her the situation, and then sat at my desk in the school waiting for the heat to be turned on (and probably have brought all the kids into the office where there was heat so they wouldn’t be freezing in the classroom).

If this kind of thing happens to you be polite, but be firm, and do your best to ‘understand the situation’ (lol, if you’ve been in Korea a while you’ll understand why this is a funny thing to say).

9. English Camp Rules

After doing your ice breaking activity it is a good idea to go over the camp rules in the first class on the first day of camp.  If it is at all possible have a co-teacher with you for at least the first class so he/she can translate the camp rules.  If that’s not possible, then type them up in English and ask a co-teacher to write the Korean translation of the rules on the paper so you can make a handout and go over it with the students.

1. You must try.

2. You must come to camp with a pen, pencil, eraser, and notebook.

3.  You must not be late.

4.  You must respect the teacher.

5.  You must respect other students.

6.  Cell phones and mp3 players should not be used during class.

10.  (Not) Having a Co-teacher

In my first year of teaching in Korea I got really upset when I found out that I would be teaching camp classes alone.  I argued that it changed the value of my contract and that I should be compensated with extra pay because my title is “assistant teacher” in the contract.  I was pretty much arguing with a brick wall and should have just shut up and let it go.  Yes, there should be a co-teacher in the classroom with you, and especially if you’re totally new to teaching and it’s your first time teaching a camp in Korea and you’re still figuring out how to teach and manage students’ behavior . . . but the hard truth is that while camps are often foreign teachers first time teaching alone experiences the schools often don’t have a budget for paying teaching fees to Korean English co-teachers to do English camp classes with you.

There are different ways to deal with not having a co-teacher in the classroom with you.

1) Have students bring their cell phones (they have dictionaries in them) or electronic dictionaries with them to the class.

2) Use books like “Jazz English” that have English vocabulary with Korean written next to the words.

3) Make the most gifted/high level student in a class your ‘teaching assistant’ and when you feel confident that the student understands what you’re saying/teaching/explaining and see that many students still don’t understand you can ask the student to translate the idea/word/instructions.

4) Use the chalk/white board more than usual.  Korean students reading skills are almost always stronger than their listening skills.  Often when students don’t understand what you’re saying they WILL understand what you write on the board.  Also, write out instructions on the board for games and activities if you’re alone cause the students can refer back to it as they begin the game and during it if they forget a rule, etc.

11.  Themes and Types of Camps

In the past I’ve been lucky enough to be given permission to do whatever kind of camp I want to do in terms of content and lesson type.  In 2006 I did a musical theater theme camp where I taught the students the language content of the songs in terms of vocab, grammar, cultural background info, etc, and then we worked on some listening skills exercises . . . and then practicing pronunciation of the lyrics while focusing on problem sounds for Korean language learners . . . and finally we learned how to sing the songs.  After all this was done the students were then divided into small groups where they designed their own choreography to do while singing the song they’d chosen.  On the final day of camp we had a performance of 4 songs over the course of about 90 minutes–it was AWESOME!  In another camp I did a “Hip Hop English” theme camp where I taught the guys vocab (this was VERY hard to do as a LOT of the language is NOT appropriate for teaching in public schools, but you CAN find enough content that is okay to use), expressions, slang, gestures, rhyming and writing lyrics and at the end of that camp the guys performed the hip hop songs they had written, practiced and worked on all week–again, awesome!

Here are some ideas for camp themes . . .

TV and Movies – Acting, body language, speaking, gestures, and cultural background info in the lessons.

Music and Songs – Listening and speaking skills are the focus

English Olympics – Tasks and Projects – spelling bees, mixing physical games with English learning goals…for example, put nouns, verbs, adjectives, articles etc on individual pieces of paper and then in a bucket/box, divide the students into teams, and then tell them to line up behind a starting line and place the box of individual types of words about 10 feet away.  Students must crab walk to the word box, pull out ONE word blindly (no cheating!), and then crab walk back to the line where the next team member does the same thing . . . they do this until they have enough different types of words to try and form a sentence.  The first team to complete a sentence that is grammatically correct wins.

Travel – airport situational English (checking in, customs, security, etc), booking a hotel room, restaurant English, taxis and buses, asking for directions….etc.

Business – giving presentations, job interviews, running a meeting, making phone calls, English for emails, how to make a resume, etc

Writing – sentences, paragraphs, short essays, short stories, short one act plays, newspapers, comic books (make your own English comic book would be a VERY cool camp project, I think)

Reading – learning reading strategies, reading song lyrics, reading movie and TV show excerpts of favorite scenes from scripts, English comic books, and more…

12.  Lesson Cycles

It’s really important to think about how your students have just finished an entire school year.  Contrast how North American students, for example, finish the school year and then have summer vacation whereas in Korea students finish the school year–and then have ‘camps’ (which is a really bad usage of the word) also known as ‘MORE SCHOOL/CLASSES’ . . . camps in Korea should really be called “summer school” and “winter school” rather than camps–cause that’s what they really are most of the time.

My point is that when I have a 4 classes per day, five day English camp, I use a cycle pattern in my lessons.  The first 2 classes of the day are where I put the most challenging and difficult learning content and tasks so that I’m asking the students to do some work when they actually have some energy.  The last 2 classes of the 4 a day type camp I usually do something fun and easy.  In the last class of the day, especially, whether it’s before lunch or later on before dinner, we usually do a game because the kids are tired and hungry and by that point have been in an English learning environment for THREE FREAKING HOURS!  Imagine studying Korean language for that long . . . uhm, no thank you!

In the fourth hour some games I’ve used in the past are: Jenga, Uno, and Scrabble.

13. Last Day of Camp

On the last day of camp you should expect to only get one, MAYBE two, class with some final teaching and learning taking place, and then the last 2-3 hours will be some kind of fun activity/game time, and the last hour an ‘end of camp party.’  You may want to show a movie for hours 2 and 3 (make an easy worksheet with True or False questions about the movie content and that’s your ‘learning goal’ for the two classes (lol), and then have a small party in the final hour.

If you’re at an overnight camp there will also likely be a closing ceremony.  Expect that you’ll be asked to say something to the kids, and yes, you may be asked to edit a closing ceremonies speech by a Korean supervisor or teacher.

Well, I think I’ve covered everything I could think of that a new foreign English teacher might want to know about English camps in South Korean public schools.  Please check out the list of books below for different types of English camps.

If you have any questions or comments please post them here, or email me at iftcjason@gmail.com

Good luck,


Books for English Camps

If you want to do a debate camp…

Open To Debate, 70 Korean Issues

Williams, D. Neal


Discover Debate.  Michael Lubetsky, Charles LeBeau, and David Harrington.

Compass Publishing, 2000.

W16 000

Becoming a Critical Thinker: A Master Student Text

Vincent Ryan Ruggiero

Houghton Mifflin


If you are doing a conversation/speaking camp….

Small Group Discussion Topics for Korean Students.

Jack Martire.

Pusan National University Press, 2005

Things English Speakers Do Not Say!

Jana Hold, Charles Middleton, and Kwang-Chul Park

Chonghab Publishing


Intermediate to advanced level

Conversation Strategies

David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe

PLA (Pro Lingua Associates)


Intermediate to advanced level

Strategies in Speaking

Michael Rost



Intermediate to advanced level

Basics in Speaking

Michael Rost



NOTE: If you’re asked to teach a group of students with LOW LEVEL (false-beginner to advanced beginner) this book will be very useful.

Books that you can use to teach cultural content and differences (also see the reading camp list of books) …

101 American Idioms

Harry Collis and Joe Kohl.  Compass, 2004.

W7, 500

101 American Customs

Harry Collis and Joe Kohl.  Compass, 2004.

W7 500

101 American Superstitions.

Harry Collis and Joe Kohl.  Compass, 2004.

W7 500

Ugly Koreans, Ugly Americans.

Min Byoung-chul, EdD

W5 000

If you want to do a reading and/or reading strategies camp…

Steps to Academic Reading Level 3: Across the Board

Jean Zukowsky/Faust

Thomson Heinle


Intermediate level

Steps to Academic Reading 4: In Context

Jean Zukowski/Faust, Susan S. Johnston, and Elizabeth E. Templin

Thomson Heinle


Intermediate to advanced level

Reading for the Real World Level 2

Lawrence J. Zwier and Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz

Compass Publishing


Intermediate to advanced level

A First Look at the USA: A Cultural Reader

Milada Broukal



Intermediate to advanced level

All About the USA: A Cultural Reader Second Edition

Milada Broukal and Peter Murphy



Intermediate to advanced level

More About the USA: A Cultural Reader

Milada Broukal and Janet Milhomme



Intermediate to advanced level

Contact USA: A Reading and Vocabulary Text Third Edition

Paul Abraham and Daphne Mackey



Intermediate to advanced level

If you want to do activity and task-based/project-based camps…

Storytelling With Children.

Wright, Andrew.  Oxford, 1995.

Resource Books for Teachers, Series Editor Alan Maley.

W26 000

Games For Children.

Gordon Lewis and Gunther Bedson.  Oxford, 1999.

Resource Books for Teachers, Series Editor Alan Maley.

W26 000

Drama With Children.
Phillips, Sarah.  Oxford, 1999.

Resource Books for Teachers, Series Editor Alan Maley

W26 000

Art and Crafts With Children.

Wright, Andrew.  Oxford, 2001.

W26 000

Projects With Young Learners.

Diane Phillips, Sarah Burwood & Helen Dunford.  Oxford, 1999.

Resource Books for Teachers, Series Editor Alan Maley

W26 000

Art and Crafts with Children

Andrew Wright

Oxford University Press


Creating Chants and Songs

Carolyn Graham

Oxford University Press


Drama with Children

Sarah Phillips

Oxford University Press


Do As I Say: Operations, Procedures, and Rituals for Language Acquisition.

Gayle Nelson, Thomas Winters, and Raymond C. Clark.  Pro Lingua Associates, Publishers, 2004.

W19 000

Grammar Games: Cognitive, affective, and drama activities for EFL students

Mario Rinvolucri

Cambridge University Press


If you’re asked to focus on listening…

Ship or Sheep?  An Intermediate Pronunciation Course, Third Edition.

Ann Baker.  Cambridge, 2006

Pre-Intermediate Level: Just Listening and Speaking

by Jeremy Harmer, Carol Lethaby, Ana Acevedo
Softcover, Marshall Cavendish Limited, ISBN 0462007774 (0-462-00777-4)

Pre-Intermediate Level: Just Reading and Writing
by Jeremy Harmer, Carol Lethaby, Ana Acevedo
Softcover, Marshall Cavendish Limited, ISBN 046200774X (0-462-00774-X)

Just Listening and Speaking

by Jeremy Harmer
Softcover, Marshall Cavendish Limited, ISBN 0462007464 (0-462-00746-4)

Just Listening and Speaking – American English Edition: Intermediate

by Jeremy Harmer
Softcover, Marshall Cavendish Limited, ISBN 0462007278 (0-462-00727-8)

Just Listening and Speaking: Elementary
by Jeremy Harmer
Softcover, Marshall Cavendish Limited, ISBN 0462000427 (0-462-00042-7)

If you have intermediate to a low-advanced group of students that want to do all four language skills camp….

Jazz English, Volume 1, Second Edition.

Gunther Breaux.  Compass Publishing 2006.

14, 000

Jazz English, Volume 2, Second Edition.

Gunther Breaux.  Compass Publishing 2006.

14, 000

If you want to do a writing camp…

Writing with Children

Jackie Reilly and Vanessa Reilly

Oxford University Press


Sentences At A Glance, Third Edition.

Brandon, Lee.  Houghton Mifflin Company 2006.

W10 000

Paragraphs At A Glance, Third Edition.

Brandon, Lee.  Houghton Mifflin Company 2006

W10 000

Share Your Paragraph: An Interactive Approach to Writing, 2nd Edition.

George M. Rooks.

Longman, 1999.

W13 000

Effective Academic Writing 1: The Paragraph

Alice Savage and Masoud Shafiei

Oxford University Press

W? (Got my copy free at KOTESOL 2008)

Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay

Alice Savage and Patricia Mayer

Oxford University Press

W? (Got my copy free at KOTESOL 2008)

Effective Academic Writing 3: The Essay

Jason Davis and Rhonda Liss

Oxford University Press

W? (Got my copy free at KOTESOL 2008)


Resource Books for Teachers

Series Editor Alan Maley

Peter Grundy

Oxford University Press
