Hello wordpress blogosphere.

I finally decided to make the move from kimchiicream at blogspot.com because everybody has been telling me that wordpress is better.  The straw that broke this camel’s back happened a couple days ago when I was trying to upload pictures and a window popped up informing that I had exceeded Picasa’s web album limit and that I’d have to pay for more space if I wished to continue uploading pics to my blog . . . uhm, no thank you.

I generally like including a lot of the pictures I take when I blog.  For example, here are some shots of Choong Ang Boys High School in Seoul, South Korea (I teach here) from a series I took with my Canon EOS Digital Kiss (D400) with a Sigma 10-20mm lens.

Late For Class

Late For Class

Fall leaves at Choong Ang Boys High School, Seoul, South Korea

Fall leaves at Choong Ang Boys High School, Seoul, South Korea

Playing Field at Choong Ang Boys High School

Playing Field at Choong Ang Boys High School

Leaping Head Butt

Leaping Head Butt

Campus Buildings

Campus Buildings

Choong Ang Middle School

Choong Ang Middle School

Choong Ang Boys High School Playing Field

Choong Ang Boys High School Playing Field

Campus Library

Campus Library

Coming Soon . . .

Coming Soon . . .

I’m going to try and evolve my blogging style here on wordpress and begin to only embed the best pictures from a larger series . . . it’ll be difficult for me because my habit has been to upload all of the pictures into a kind of photo essay/blog post. I recently began actively using my flickr page, and am going to figure out how to integrate that into my blogging more too.

If you’re an English teacher in Korea and seeing my blog for the first time you might like to check out a series of posts on my old blog.  The sidebar title is New Foreign English Instructors/Teachers in Korea and the series is about teaching and living in South Korea.  Another useful series of posts is English Bookstores in South Korea.

Anyways, I’ll be setting up my new blog  here over the next few days . . . hopefully the transition will be a smooth one.

Wish me luck.